Visit us at
Glass Build!
September 13-15
Atlanta, GA

End Of The
Year Sales


As it became a tradition for our company, we are launching our 2020 End of The Year Special Offer.

For a limited period of time, you can buy RA Workshop products at discounted prices as following:

0 %

discount on any RA Workshop Express license

0 %

discount on any RA Workshop Server license

0 %

discount on any RA Workshop Professional license

T&C - Discounts are available between November 16th to December 18th 2020. The offer is valid for packages with one year of software assurance only (read more about software assurance here: https://www.raworkshop.com/services/). Payment should be done 100% upfront, before license delivery.

For more details, quotations, invoices please contact our sales team at sales@raworkshop.com

Please bare with us as we are sending your request to our servers. You may close this pop-up but please don't close the download page.

Up to this moment, Ra Workshop has already implemented the following list of machines.

Cutting centers: Elumatec E555/1 (DGX), Elumatec E255/A, Elumatec SBZ610, Graf Synergy Multifab 3000, Graf Synergy EX1 Protocol, Kaban Cut, Kaban 1030 / 1040 / 1070 (InfoSys), Murat TT 405, Murat Maxer, Pertici 500F2K, Pertici SC55, Rotox ZGS 314, Techna TK145/10 Gold, Soenen Hendrix DVE

Welding centers: Graf Synergy SL4FF, Graf Synergy AKS6100, Kaban, Murat, Sturtz 4HSM_JC, Sturtz 4VSM_JC, Sturtz SE-SL-HSM 30/36), Murat,
Soenen Hendrix Q4, Soenen Hendrix AKS1600, Soenen Hendrix 4HSM_JC/4VSM_JC

Machining centers: Articon SC-231, Elumatec SBZ 608, Graf Synergy STB Multifab 3000, Graf Synergy FAB CUT F1, Graf Synergy Fa1 Protocol, Kaban FA 10xx, Kaban SB3010, Mecal Kosmos 305, Murat NR 210, Murat SC220-40, SAC Sueri F300, Soukup Drilex, Soukup Spectra, Thorwesten PBZ

Profiling and tenoning: Soukup Wizzard, Soukup Crafter, Soukup Crossline 500